LEGO, Ho, Ho

For Halloween I created an Emily The Strange sculpture out of LEGO bricks. And now I have a LEGO Santa Claus.

Ooops, I missed doing the LEGO Turkey for Thanksgiving...

Though a figure of Santa Claus is perfect for LEGO (bright colors, well known and such), it had never occurred to me to build one.

Earlier this year, however, a friend of mine suggested that he would want one to give as a present to someone for whom he cared, and asked if I would construct one. This request coincided with another request from a LEGO friend, James, who was looking for a Christmas themed LEGO sculpture for a charity event in Atlanta.

That was enough encouragement.

My Santa statue is not really overly ambitious... a rather moderate piece. He is only nineteen inches tall, but I am quite pleased with the way he turned out, and judging from the reactions I've gotten from friends who have seen it in person, this may turn out to be one of my most popular works.

Ahh... commercialism and Christmas, weren't they just made for one another?

As of the writing of this webpage, I have actually constructed four indentical statues for various people, and should really build a fifth as my own prototype before delivering the last one away.

Building the same model over and over can get a little tedious, but it's still pretty cool to complete a model, whether it's the first one or the fourth one (I actually built the third and fourth ones simultaneously).

Ho, Ho, Hum... not too tedious.

Here are a few pictures:

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