LEGO SculpturesLEGO sculptures are three dimensional creations created from the small building bricks (for those interested in two dimensional LEGO art, they should read my page about Mosaics). Most of the models I build for myself or clients range in size from about 1 cubic foot to large human-sized statues. Pieces out side that range of sized have been created as well; for example, I have built a fully functional Grandfather Clock, tall skyscrapers, and even a twelve foot tall replica of the Eiffel Tower.
Many things can affect the time and cost, of course. Simple geometric or architectural shapes (buildings, abstract sculptures) are, at times, quicker builds. And, of course, this all assumes that I have the necessary bricks in my current supply. If a model requires an enormous amount of rare colored bricks, it may take additional time to obtain such pieces. Sculptures are built without the aid of any computer modeling programs. Usually I just try to get a number of pictures of the desired object and the build it from the ground up. It is a very organic process and one that requires much visualization and extrapolation. Throughout the whole construction process I take digital pictures so that the client can see the progress. Usually, if the model needs to be shipped, it will then have to be glued after the prototype is approved by the client. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to gluing: each piece must have glue applied to it individually, and each piece is then put back together with the other bricks. This basically means the whole model has to be rebuilt all over again. The resulting sculptures are undeniably impressive, but people should understand that it is not a speedy process. For very large projects a "lead time" of two months or more is usually desired. So, if you have any ideas, do not hesitate to contact me; it's never too early to discuss ideas. One is encouraged to browse my complete online portfolio to get an idea of the range of sizes and scope that is possible. LEGO® and related marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of The LEGO Company, which does not sponsor, authorize, nor endorse this site. All photographs and text on this website are © Copyright (1999 - 2003) to Eric Harshbarger unless otherwise noted. |