Eric Harshbarger's SCRABBLE® Website

I have started directing Scrabble tournaments in Auburn, Alabama. Click this link to learn about any upcoming competitions.

If you are interested in learning how to play Scrabble competitively, you should vist the website of the North American Scrabble Players Association.

My entry at

Images of most of my final board configurations of tournament games since late 2023.

Some Memorable Games/Plays

A list of some of my personal favorites from tournament play:

Here is a graph (click for a bigger size) that plots my player rating after each of the tournaments I have played in.

Here's an ultra-geeky webpage that is the nexus of a few of my interests: Scrabble, role-playing games, and computer programming.

HASBRO is the owner of the registered SCRABBLE® trademark in the United States and Canada.
All photographs and text on this website are © Copyright 2001-2024 to Eric Harshbarger unless otherwise noted.